Tekinco Group

Family Residence in Turkey

The family residence permit is granted to members of a single family on the condition that a grantor is present in that family. The most prominent advantage of the family residence permit is that all members of the family have access to social security, whether the father or the mother has access to it, in terms of free treatment at all state hospitals. Some discounts are available in some private hospitals, in addition to being able to apply for Turkish citizenship after 3 years.

Needed Conditions

  • Entry seal into Turkey
  • A regular marriage document
  • Valid family passports
  • Home registered address in Turkey
  • Marriage Confirmation for Turkish citizens to give it to his non-Turkish wife

Steps to get a permit in Turkey

  • Registering an electronic interview with Turkish Immigration Department
  • Keeping a hard copy of the date for submission with the required paperwork
  • Collecting all required documents, in a separate category for each family member
  • The payment fees are exclusively in Turkish lira and in cash
  • The document of the bought house


Book permission

It can be done through the dedicated migration website.

Required documents

  • A copy of Turkish Husband ID
  • Registered address
  • Previous residence in case of a request for extension
  • A copy of the house document
  • A copy of the family residence permit
  • Not a new document
  • 4 photos per person
  • Turkish insurance form
  • Bank bill
  • Legal invoice from the company
  • A copy of a valid passport

Cost and fees

Fees and costs vary depending on the duration of the application for residence. Depending on the duration of the employment of the foreigner and the nationality of the applicant. Financial fees vary according to nationality, and this is governed by the nature of entry into Turkey, with or without Visa.


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