In a bid to inhibit Trying to avoid "repurchase" by foreign buyers,” Turkey’s official authorities have gone ahead to state that as per the new guidelines, a single property cannot be used again to qualify for citizenship of Turkey. This step was taken following an amendment of Guideline Regarding the Regulation on the Turkish Citizenship Law’s Application.
The Turkish government has amended the Guideline Regarding the Regulation on the Application of the Turkish Citizenship Law. It has brought alterations to the earlier rules about property transactions between overseas individuals. Now, the single property can only be used once to obtain citizenship. This also applies to investors who acquire citizenship through the Citizenship by Investment (CIP) program.
Section G of the new Guideline highlights “Transactions between Foreigners,” which has launched a set of new conditions for the property and its purchasing client in the cases related to citizenship applications. These properties will be subject to sales or preliminary sales agreements.
After a property has been used to obtain citizenship via a title deed transfer or a preliminary sales contract, the same or any of its shares cannot be further used to get any other citizenship.
Properties subject to sales or preliminary sales agreements, according to LP Legal, an Istanbul-based law firm:
- Must not be registered in the land registry on behalf of foreign real persons, including the foreign person’s spouse or children.
Should not be among the properties transferred to a Turkish citizen/company after 12.01.2017 by the foreign real person who wishes to acquire citizenship, or its spouse and children, or by a foreign real person of the same nationality